
Seven tantric sex positions for better lovemaking

Seven tantric sex positions for better lovemaking

The Tantric method has been in the spotlight lately. It is an ancient Hindu technique with a history spanning over five millennia. The name itself originated from a Sanskrit word, which means the weaving and expansion of energy.

Tantric sex teaches practitioners to step away from the norms of lovemaking. It encourages partners to seek a spiritual connection with themselves during the process of intercourse. 

It is not foreign to the “normal” type of lovemaking. The Tantric method preaches a less goal-oriented form of sex. The aim here is to be more aware of the journey than the destination.

Amazing Tantric sex positions

The Butterfly

Just mentioning this position brings butterflies to my stomach. This technique is a great way to add spice to your routine and can be very stimulating for both partners when done right. This requires the female to lay flat on her back on a raised surface so that Yoni is level with Lingam.

The man now grabs her by her hips and lifts her to his pelvis. She can rest her feet on his shoulder to make the position more comfortable. To further increase the pleasure, she can cross her legs in the mermaid position. This allows him to reach her most sensitive areas.


Also known as The Lotus, this is one of the most popular tantric sex positions. It allows both partners to face each other always and remain fully connected throughout the process of making love. Similar to the yoga position, he sits with his legs crossed while she sits on his lap, facing him.

You should allow the full union of Lingam and Yoni. Both partners are also encouraged to rock back and forth slowly. Try to avoid thrusting and fall into a mutual rhythm. Do well to allow your inner chakra to guide you. Wrap your arms around each other and stare into your partner’s eyes while you breathe in synchrony.

The Padlock

Lean your back against a vertical surface such as a wall or piece of furniture. Spread your legs and allow your partner to position himself comfortably between them. He should gently insert his penis, and both of you should take a moment to appreciate the sensation fully.

Slowly start thrusting to your mutual rhythm. Remember to maintain eye contact and always breathe in synchrony. Whisper words of endearment to each other with each thrust. You can lean back for leverage, as this also gives him excellent access to your g-spot, but exercise some caution because too much stimulation can send you both over the edge.

Tantric Solo Sex

This may come as a surprise, but tantra can also be practiced solo. You don’t necessarily require a partner. Just like masturbation, the aim is to pleasure yourself fully. Unlike masturbation, however, the goal is to last as long as possible. 

Explore your body, discover what exactly stimulates your desires. Take your time and find your rhythm. An exciting technique is to synchronize your touches with your breathing. Not only does this slow you down and help you remain in absolute control of the process, but it also adds a more in-depth experience to the act.

Tanta During Oral Sex

The Tantric technique can also be incorporated into oral sex. Any of the partners could lead herein; all you have to do is follow the basic tenets of the Tanta. Remember, the key is communication and striving to make two souls work as one.

Try to keep in mind that it is the journey, not the destination that matters. Take things slowly at first, and then you can pick up the pace later on. Maintain eye contact at all times, and yes, this may feel a bit like porn. Don’t forget to use your hands, and don’t be afraid to explore.

Spooning Sex

Very few sexual positions bring the sort of connection and closeness that couples feel during spooning. The very act itself requires both partners to be as close as possible. The great thing about spooning is that there are so many ways to put a different spin on the act.

He (the big spoon) should curl up with her (the little spoon) curved into the shape of his body. She should be a little bit higher than him to allow for easy penetration. Using the basics of the Tantric method, find a rhythm.

He should slide his hands forward and explore every inch of her body. She should, in turn, reach back and grab him, making sure to maintain eye contact with him as much as possible. Spooning doesn’t have to be penetrative. Both partners can cuddle up and enjoy each other’s company. Do not hesitate to get handsy while at this.

The Great Bee

Here comes the time to get frisky. The Great Bee is a fun addition to any bedroom. It is similar to the cowgirl position but has a more exciting twist. Almost like the cowgirl position, she straddles him. The partner on top pulls their legs up towards them as if they’re doing a deep squat. Their partner’s chest can be used as support in this position. This position enables deeper penetration and thrusts.

The partner lying below should switch things up as much as possible. Try different strokes and rhythms. Instead of thrusting, try rocking back and forth or using a circular motion.

Tips for having great Tantric sex

  1. Set the mood. Light some scented candles, put on some Marvin Gaye, and put the kids to bed. This time is for just the two of you.
  2. Communication is the key. Talk about what you like and what you don’t. Never be scared to air your opinion.
  3. Don’t forget to practice the tenets of the Tantric method. Restraint, harmony, and trust should always be on your mind.
  4. Add some basic Tantric techniques like eye contact, tandem breathing, and synchronized movements.
  5. Don’t forget to relax and have fun. The core belief of the Tantric method is to teach you how to derive as much pleasure as possible from each other.

Add these spicy moves to the bedroom and watch the spark ignite. By adding the Tantric method to these techniques, you have succeeded in changing sex to more than just a physical pursuit, but the union of souls.

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